Welcome to our starry night, a place to remember the people we love and miss.

We’re so very sorry for your loss, and hope you find some comfort in dedicating a star and letting your loved ones light and memory shine bright.

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To my darling soulmate Rob ❤️ Rob Thurston-Read XxX

Your Soulmate Fiancé Julie XxX

My gentle giant x You were stolen from me far too early and so very very quickly sweetheart. I miss you so very very much. The world is not the same without you. You were my world. My world stood still the moment you left me. I know you are now out of pain and at peace and will be with Dad, grandma and auntie xxx ( and the boys 🐕‍🦺🦮) xx Wait for me darling. God bless Rob love always. Forever in my heart ❤️ XxX Julie. Oh just one more thing ! :)