Welcome to our starry night, a place to remember the people we love and miss.

We’re so very sorry for your loss, and hope you find some comfort in dedicating a star and letting your loved ones light and memory shine bright.

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Mum / Dympna

My lovely Irish mum, it’s been two years. Grief is all the love I can’t give you.

I miss you every day and every minute. I miss your unconditional love. That place to go when life creates a storm. You’ve protected me from so many storms. I see you in me now too.. your hands and your face. You live on in me.., but god I miss your brew and wisdom. I know you’re listening: mum you had such a tough time in your life for many reasons. But you always had dignity and kindness rolling off you like huge waves of love crashing into my life. Sometimes I wonder if you loved me too much.

Mum / Dympna